The One and the Other
At the center of Eugene Ionesco’s play “Chairs” is a couple, perhaps the world’s last couple, in a world of post-civilization survival. Together, they organize a party for a host of invisible guests to elucidate the meaning of life—before jumping to their deaths.
The One in the Other presents a hypothetical stage set for Ionesco’s drama, and explores notions of togetherness and coupledom within a domestic environment, as well as ideas of perception and the elusiveness of shared meaning.
This work was part of a two-person exhibition of the same name with Meredith Sellers, curated by Lord Ludd for Unlisted at Icebox Project Space.
Courting Bench. Wood, MDF, latex paint, cast urethane plastic, cast resin, Ikea glasses, and cast rubber.
Courting Bench. Wood, MDF, latex paint, cast urethane plastic, cast resin, Ikea glasses, and cast rubber.
Courting Bench, detail.
After Us. Cast RTV rubber, PVC pipping, steel wire, and resin.
Cairn (Family Plot). Cast urethane plastic, MDF, masonite.
Cairn (Family Plot). Detail.
Corner Chair. Latex paint and Pine.
Ritual. Cast rubber, acrylic, bucket.